Join us Sunday Mornings
9:30 am Sunday School - 10:45 am Worship
1015 5th Avenue, Huntington WV 25701
Join us Sunday Mornings - 9:30 am Sunday School - 10:45 am Worship | 1015 5th Avenue, Huntington WV 25701 | 304-523-6476

FPC ORCHESTRA & CHOIR – 9/11 Remembrance Service

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Please join us for our annual FPC Patriotic 9/11 Memorial Sunday where we will have a 20 piece orchestra with full choir as we sing various American Hymns & Songs. We also will kick-off all FPC programs for the year. If you are looking for a church, or are just visiting the area, come and have your Spirit uplifted with us. It will be a service you will not soon forget!

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